Cake Pop Diaper Cake

My EMT Partner and his beautiful wife are expecting their second baby (a boy) very soon! For their baby shower I wanted to make them a diaper cake but I also wanted to find a way to incorporate cake pops for a fun and unique twist. This is what I came up with:

These gorgeous photos were taken by my partner who I made the cake for.
If you love photography (I do but I am horrible at it) then you can check out some
of his amazing photography at Humanparallax on Flickr or his blog Humanparallax.
1st: Roll the diapers and tie with ribbons to match your theme. I used blue since it was a boy but if you do a search of diaper cakes their are hundreds of examples to look at and inspire you. Plan for a three layer diaper cake.

Mine took the following:
1 Styrofoam round block
2  boxes 60 count diapers
4 rolls of ribbon
1 package of various size rubber bands
hot glue gun with hot glue stick
3 cake boards: 1 large cake board, 1 medium and one small. (I bought silver cake boards at party city on sale for a few dollars)
1 empty and cleaned wine bottle for the center anchor to build the diaper cake around. I have seen many cakes that use baby bottles or baby blankets as the center piece if you would prefer that.
1 group of silver beaded flower decorations from Michael's. You can use what ever decorations you like but I found these amazing drape beads in the flower section of Michael's on sale and thought they would match perfect!

40 cake pops decorated to match. Follow basic cake pop recipe on Bakerella and then unleash your creative side! (I would pre-make these a day or two in advance or you will be overwhelmed trying to make a diaper cake and 40 cake pops in one day.)

Lady Bug Cake Pops for a year one Hero!

For the record...I made these in Sept for my niece's first birthday party. I made them before I had our guide to life as we know it Cake Pops by Bakerella. Since we have it now turn to page 99 for an awesome guide to lady bug cake pops. I made mine the ole fashioned way by rolling up some cake and shaping accordingly. First lets met our hero and birthday girl Payton Sophia:

I know being that cute shouldn't be legal!!

Now here is what we will be making:

I made lady bug cake pops to match the theme of her party!

Mummy Pops for some tiny heroes!

For Jordan's School Halloween Party I decided to try my hand at Yummy Mummies by Bakerella. We are going to put our own twist on them and make them bright and spooooky! These cake pops will be going to my daughters special needs class so it is important to keep track of what ingredients used. All children can have allergies to foods like peanuts but special needs children seem to have these allergies at a higher rate. It is a good idea when ever shipping your little hero off to school with a new batch of HeroCakePops to make sure they are labeled with ingredients for the teachers.

Now turn to page 131 in our new and shiny Cake Pop book and lets make some Yummy Mummies!

First we need one mini-hero dressed as a bee....Check!

Then we need some green and white Yummy Mummies!! After baking the basic cake pop (I used a store bought white cake mix for ease) and cooling the mummies were read to be painted with candy melts.I first coated all the mummies in white like described in the book. Then once all mummies were made I used green gel based coloring (never water) and tinted the rest of the white candy melt booger green! I then used a disposable piping bag to pipe on the mummy wrap!

If you have a foam block/lollipop stand you can make yours standing up but I gave my last home made cakepop stand (made by my new hero and boyfriend Ryan) to my Sister for my new baby niece's first birthday party. Speaking of which how about we make some Ladybug cake pops for one of the newest heroes to join the clan Miss Payton Sophia!!

The Queen Cake Popalious

If you have a hero in your life and you want to make their belly smile with me you will need one basic thing! you will also need cake/chocolate/cany melts/sprinkles/cookie cutters and lots of love and time but a must start is the new book by the Queen of Cake Popalious herslef: BAKERELLA 
Also a little helper or two wouldn't help. I am lucky enough to have my hero number 1 Jordan helping me. In fact I think our first adventure in making our heroes smile will be making Jordan's Special Needs class some yummie Mummy CakePops for their Halloween party!

Why I make cake pops, why I smile, why I Heroes.

I have been blessed to grow up in a world of heroes. My Grandfather Max Meek served his country on the USS Cabot and my Grandfather Richard W. Smith is a retired Police Officer from Albuquerque. His only son and my Uncle Richard W. Smith Jr.   followed in his footsteps until he was killed in the line of duty along with his partner. My Dad is a decorated Homicide/Robbery Detective in Texas who has devoted his life to protecting those who cannot protect themselves. My Sister was born with a heart of gold and the need to love and shelter every stray animal on earth. She turned her enormous compassion into her career and work in a Veterinary Office caring for the sick/injured and ill animals of all kinds. My Brother is only just putting his big toe into the wide world of adulthood has enlisted the Army. He will serve with the Nations finest in protecting us all.  As for me I choose medicine. I am an EMT. I find the greatest pleasure in being calm and comforting for those in the midst of turmoil and chaos. I am blessed to work with many heroes who devote their lives to service and care of others. While heroes wear many faces and take many forms there are two who I would not be me without: My Mom and My Daughter. My Mom gave me the gift of laughter and the ability to turn lemons into lemonade. No matter what crap the world threw at her when she looked at me it was with love and a beautiful Southern smile. My daughter is a gift. There is a saying in my family “She would hug the Boogieman” and it just means she doesn’t know how to not love someone. She is eight and still doesn’t know how to lie. No matter what is going on, how many doctors visits, how many hospital stays it can all be made better according to Jordan with “puddin and ketchup”.

After seeing and falling in love with Bakerella's cake pops I noticed the few times I made them and gave the too friends or co-workers they seemed to put a huge smile on their face and brighten their day. This blog will be my attempt at giving a hero a smile. Hopefully through trial and error and time we will have a hero pop on here you can make for your special hero when they need a smile to take the rain clouds away.